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a SMALL princess
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i wanna be a GREAT person SOMEDAY : )

Sunday, 9 December 2012

Hadiah untuk Mak Ayah Tersayang.


Hai semua. Korang apa khabar? Hopefully everyone is doing great. Memandangkan sekarang ni bukan sahaja musim sejuk di oversea sana, dan juga musim Convocation, Ain rasa amat bertapatan dengan tema kita lah hari ini. Cerita pasal hari Konvokesyen Ain. Happy reading people.

Disember 2009. 

Ain teringat lagi time mula mula daftar masuk kolej and U. Mak dan ayah hantar. All the way from Klang to Malacca. On my way, kentalkan hati. Rasa macam tak perlu nak menangis bagai. I'm big enough, 19 years old at that time.

Bila mak dan ayah hantar kat kolej, time tu mula dah hati ni meronta ronta. Feeling macam ada dekat airport.  Macam lah nak pergi belajar dekat Australia bagai. Melaka je pun okaaayyyy. Tapi serious sedih. Basah mata time tu. Tiba tiba ada sorang akak senior ni tegur pulak. Macam nak pukul je akak tu. Tapi tak jadi nak pukul. Sebab saya baikkk. Yes.

Hadiah dari SAHABAT :)

July 2012.

Tamat sudah pengajian selama 2.5 tahun dekat Melaka. Last paper exam tu kitorang happy gilaaaa. Siapa tak happy gila lah kot. Few days later, we're so busy packing up. Barang satu sem je pun tapi mak aihhh, punyalah banyak. I am so grateful to have parents who are willing to fetch me there. Penuh bonet kereta.

Few months passed by. Rindu kat zaman bergelar students tak payah nak cakap lah kan. Even kita tak perlu nak stay up late, minum Nescafe Latte bagai hanya untuk bagi celik dan segar mata ni. But somehow, I missed those moments. Baru berapa bulan. Nanti lepas 3 4 tahun mesti lagi rindu kan.

Friends, lecturers and people that we knew and met throughout the journey to get our Degree. It was AMAAAAAAZING. Too amazing that I don't wanna changed every single moments. Allah had planned it beautifully for me in fact. Thanks Allah.

November 2012. 

Hari yang ditunggu tunggu telah pun tiba. Tanggal 26 November Ain dan kawan kawan lain dianugerahkan Ijazah. I was extremely happy. Only Allah knows. After all the hard works, those nights that I stayed up late, the shaking ever feeling during presentation, those quizzes, tests and etc. Banyak kot kalau nak sebut. Berbaloi sangat untuk semua pengalaman tu.

Okay. Ain rasa cukuplah tu membebel. Let the pictures do the talking.

muka bahagia. Alhamdulilah

My bestfriend/twin/sister/gossip girl etc

My Bestfriends from high school :)

meet Farah. she's so nice

Here's Wani. She loves pink.
This is Eliza. She is my BEST present of the day.  From Wellington

Meet Azreen. I knew her when I was Form 2 :)
With Azreen's boyfriend, Zulhilmi.

BFF. I love them.

Atie. I miss her.

Tya. My dear friend.
Diyana. XOXO girl. 
I think that's all. Letak gambar lagi banyak kang takut ada orang terpengsan pulak. So, to play safe. Cukup lah setakat ini. Yippie. Sedih jugak actually sebab tak dapat ambil gambar with other XOXO girls. Tapi takpelah. Takde rezeki. Nasib baik sempat buat photoshoot on Pre-Graduation day. heee. Thanks to Zaza for her brilliant ideas.

Ain nak ambil kesempatan ini untuk ucapkan tahniah kepada semua kawan kawan Ain yang dah officially graduated or soon to be graduate. No matter what classes of Degree we ended up with, it is ourselves that determine our future. Well of course with Allah's willing. A million thanks to my dearest family who woke up very early in the morn just to attend my big day and waited until afternoon. It's killing actually. With thousands of people and not mentioning the weather. But Alhamdulilah you guys really made my day. Your presence (mak ayah and little sisters) was the best gift that I ever have.

Mak ayah, ini lah hadiah untuk mak dan ayah. Kejayaan anakmu. Waahhh gituu. In sha Allah, I'll work harder in the future to pay you back. Even I know you would never asked for it. Thanks Allah. For such an amazing day that You gave me.

Thank you for reading. Have a nice day. May tomorrow be better than yesterday. In sha Allah :)


Selingan. Sila abaikan manusia itu.